Discover How Our Dressing Transforms Healing Experiences

My son accidently put his hand on a hot burner of our black cooktop. His fingers and palm were burned red. I tore open a burn-fix package and placed the thick, moist pad on his hand. He said the relief was immediate. We wrapped the pad to his hand with gauze which he wore through the night. The next morning we removed the dressing and he said that he experienced no pain after the burn-fix pad was applied. There was no sign of any redness or damage.

I discovered burn-fix a few weeks after the accident, and it totally changed everything for the better! Dressing changes were rapid and neat. The dressing was still amply moist 24 hours later, and the pain relief was indescribably wonderful.

I would recommend this product as it works fast to relieve your burn. The burn fix burn pad is so large it could be cut up for smaller burns, and used sparingly. I now keep one pack in my backpack, one in my camping tote and one at home.

Burn fix- burn dressing Innovative Fst Cooling technology.
Burn care solution - Best Burn Treatment, hydrogel burn Gel


Burn-Fix proprietary formula burn gel dressing is indispensable. Immediately place the sterile burn dressing on the burned area and notice how quickly the burning stops. Unique as it acts as a "heat sink" and pulls the heat of the burn. Burn-Fix is the best burn wound dressing available today and may save a trip to the emergency room.

Burn cream for treating kitchen and electrical burns
Burn wound care with fast pain relief
Burn wound dressing for first aid kits
First aid burn gel for quick pain relief


Treat your burns faster and more effectively with our Burn Gel Dressing. The gel dressing will pull moisture from the skin and increase the speed at which your wound heals. Non-adherent- helps protect against contamination. After placing the 4 X 4 burn relief dressing, you can wrap it with gauze or plastic wrap for additional protection.


I had purchased Burn Fix because my daughter is a barista and occasionally get severe hot water burns. The product works excellent for burn relief. It does leave wrinkled skin but is effective. For burns my preference is derma-gel hydrogel pads by Medline. Burn Fix pads are foam with the treatment infused. Derma-gel pads are a solid gel pad and actually far superior for burn treatment. However, they are also much more expensive.

Unbelievable but I had to use it on my fingers within a week of getting it. A small burn (2nd degree with blistering). I sprayed the burn with lidocaine first and the relief was quick but wore off quickly too. Put this on as soon as the lidocaine was wearing off and while the lidocaine gave immediate short acting relief, once this kicked in the relief was almost complete as well as longlasting. Good product and I'll buy more for the house and car.

I purchased these burn care treatment packs. It sure is nice knowing that I have them around though. I opened one of the packs just for this review as you can see in my video and one thing that I noticed that surprised me is there's hardly any smell which is nice since Tea Tree is usually pretty strong. The pad itself is white 4" x 4" with a spongy texture and lot of *for lack of better word* GOO inside.

Self-inflicted- I was burned worse than ever (& I'm 67.) My right leg calf, my right forearm, and mostly the back of my right hand and fingers were exposed to a gasoline induced flame that I instantly knew caused damage. After putting the fire (me) out, I rushed to the shower to get cold water to stop further skin damage. In severe pain, I went to my first-aid kit and applied BurnJel to the most painful back of my hand. This helped very little and then I remember in the cabinet I had something else- it was Burn-FIX. (I keep a very well stocked kit.)

There is enough burn gel on the 4x4 inch pad that you can re-use it all day, as needed. Just reseal back in its pack or put it in a plastic sandwich size Ziploc bag that's what my buddy did.I would recommend this product as it works fast to relieve your burn. The Burn Fix burn pad is so large it could be cut up for smaller burns, and used sparingly. I now keep one pack in my backpack, one in my camping tote and one at home.

Burn-Fix is just such a product. I had just recently added Burn-Fix to each of my first-aid bags when my son accidently put his hand on a hot burner of our black cooktop. It does have indicator lights to show the burners are hot, but, in the midst of preparing a meal, he wasn't paying close attention. His fingers and palm were burned red and were very painful as you might imagine. I had a cold pack close at hand, so I gave him that to hold while I got the nearest bag. I tore open a Burn-Fix package and placed the thick, moist pad on his hand. He said the relief was immediate.